Why is good attendance important?
Proud: Regular attendance allows students to take pride in their commitment to their education and feel more connected to their community. School provides opportunities for students to interact with peers, fostering social skills, teamwork, and collaboration.
Respectful: Regular attendance reflects a respect for yourself and a commitment to personal growth and development, showing that you value your education and future prospects. Being present in school shows respect to classmates by contributing to a positive and engaged learning environment that benefits and betters everyone.
Involved: Regular attendance ensures that students and are actively involved in the school community and have access to valuable resources such as libraries and sports facilities, extracurricular clubs, and events that contribute to their holistic development and enhances learning experiences.
Determined: Attending school regularly demonstrates a determination to succeed academically and reach their goals. This shows a strong work ethic, responsibility and perseverance that will prepare students for post-secondary education, the world of work and beyond.
Excellent: Consistent attendance lays the foundation for excellence by providing students with the opportunity to fully engage in their education, strive for high standards, and achieve their full potential. Learning is a progressive activity; each day’s lessons build upon those of the previous day(s), therefore the more a student attends school, the more confident they will feel engaging with the school curriculum; we know there is a direct correlation between good attendance and academic progress and outcomes. Students with good attendance records generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school more; this is supported by data from the Department for Education who found that 81% of student who had 100% attendance over the course of KS4 achieved 5 or more 9-5 grades at GCSE compared to only 57% of their peers with 90% attendance.
Good attendance helps build good habits and routines and ultimately a better education that will help to give your child the best possible start in life.